Palworld Base Defense Guide
Base defense is an important aspect of Palworld. In mid to late game, you will be attacked by raids with many high level pals.
If not defended properly, your base will be destroyed and you will have to rebuild it.
Here are some tips on how to defend your base in Palworld.
Tip 1: Build with Stone
In the early game, you can build your base with wood since you can only unlock stone sometime later.
However, you should transition to stone as soon as possible, as stone helps to protect your base from burning down by fire attacks.
Judging from posts on Reddit, it seems to have devastating consequences if your base is entirely made of wood and gets burned down.
Tip 2: Build Defensive Structures
You should build defensive structures such as defensive walls, gates and mounted crossbows to help defend your base.
Palworld Base Defense with Walls and Mounted Crossbows
Tip 3: Do not Level Up too Fast
The base raids scale with your level.
If you level up too fast, you will be attacked by pals that are too powerful for you to handle.
For example, if you are level 31, you will be attacked by level 31 pals, while pals in your party are likely only level 20+.
Level 31 Means Raids by Level 31 Pals
Be sure to level up your pals, enhance their stats at Statue of Power, and craft better weapons before leveling up.
Tip 4: Let Pals Do Repairs
You don’t have to repair damaged structures yourself.
Instead, you can craft repair kits and place them into a chest.
Pals Will Repair Damaged Structures using Repair Kits
Your pals will automatically repair damaged structures when they are not busy.
Tip 5: Build Base with Choke Points
You can build your base with choke points to make it easier to defend.
For example, in Ore Location and Mining Guide, I built a base with a choke point at the bridge, which makes it easier to defend.
Currently there is also an issue preventing enemies from climbing up a mountain, so you can build your base on a mountain to avoid being attacked entirely.
Last Resort: Disable Raids
If you are really struggling with raids, you can disable raids entirely in the World Settings.
Before you load into the world, there is settings button which opens up the World Settings. In the World Settings, you can disable raids.
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